March 19, 2020 by Julia Rose





WE ARE IN IT, FOLKS. Literally… we are currently in the midst of a global pandemic. Coronavirus has been sweeping the world and creating chaos, confusion and panic in our communities, and keeping centered has become a major priority for each of us. The thing is, keeping calm in the middle of the storm takes practice and continued self-regulation. In this bonus episode, I share 3 reminders that will keep you grounded and clear in the center of it all. 

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:

  • When stress levels go UP, Attention, Focus and Productivity go DOWN… So we go “back to basics” and focus on the most basic forms of self-care.
  • The 3 Reminders that will help you “Keep Calm and Carry On.”
  • Why this moment is an opportunity to prioritize what matters most: Our Relationships.

Links Mentioned in the Episode:


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