May 13, 2020 by Julia Rose 



Have you ever had any of these thoughts?

>> Am I truly cut out for this kind of work?

>> This was not part of my job description...

>> Why can't these parents just get on the same page?!

If you have, you're not alone. 

Believe it or not, these are common thoughts for professionals to encounter on their trauma-informed journey.

Yet, if we're not careful, we can get stuck in these grooves.

So here to share about her own experience becoming is Jennifer Black, trauma-informed expert and Speech and Language Pathologist of 20+ years. 

In this episode, Jennifer shares about how her process was filled with self-doubt, professional uncertainty, and more questions than immediate answers. 

She also shares about her own internal shifts that have made a drastic difference in her work.

Plus, she drops some much-needed knowledge on the basic connection between relationships and communication... get ready to have your mind illuminated!

This episode is full of such richness and truth, and I can't wait for you to take a listen.




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Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be super grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also so much fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
