May 25, 2020 by Julia Rose 



What comes to mind when you hear these statements?

>> "We need to talk when I get home."

>> "The Principal needs to speak with you..."

>> "Your boss needs to see you in her office."

If your stomach just dropped into your gut, or your chest and throat tightened with anxiety... there's a good chance you've just experienced regression.

Emotional regression happens to adults (children can't regress) all the time. And here to help us understand it better is regression expert, John Lee. 

Best-selling author of the book, Growing Yourself Back Up: Understanding Emotional Regression, John has been a leader in the fields of emotional intelligence, anger management and emotional regression for over for over 20 years.  

His work has been featured The Oprah Winfrey Show, 20/20, Barbara Walters, The View, CNN, PBS, and National Public Radio. He’s been interviewed by The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, and dozens of other global publications.

I consider this book essential reading for any adult - and especially any adult working with traumatized children. Why? Because if we don't take care of our own wounding... others' wounding is bound to trigger us into unconscious regressions, which can cause serious harm. 

Take a listen now!




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