December 23, 2020 by Julia Rose 




Blah blah blah self-care...

Blah blah self-care...

Self-care blah...

How many times have we heard about self-care, been trained on self-care, or read articles, listened to podcasts, or even had entire staff meetings around the topic of (you guessed it):


So, if we know so much about it, why is it so difficult for so many of us to actually integrate into our lives?

In this episode, Reflective Supervisor and Therapist, Misty Ryman, is here to help us bridge that gap between the idea of self-care and the actual practice of self-care.

She does this through what she calls "Micro Self-Cares," which are subtle, yet meaningful shifts and adjustments that focus on bringing intention, mindfulness and self-regulation into the already-in-place structure and flow of your day.

Misty's approach to self-care was borne out of watching supervisee after supervisee nod their heads in agreement that they'd implement self-care into their schedules, only to then watch them steam right ahead, unchanging and creeping ever closer to burnout... Misty decided she needed to support them in a more practical form of taking care of themselves. 

And so, the practice of "Micro Self-Cares" was born!

This episode is filled with so many actionable goodies... I can't wait for you to listen! Enjoy!

Major Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:

  • How the idea of big, grand plans for Self-Care can often fall short; and how small doses of intentional, meaningful change are what actually alter the course of our Wellbeing.
  • How the language we use toward ourselves can contribute to our sense of fatigue or failure, and how self-compassion is restorative in and of itself.
  • Tangible examples of how Micro Self-Cares can be woven into the fabric of your busy, bustling life! 


Links mentioned in this episode:

 Happy listening! 




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